Each year around this time, I share my Professional Reading List. I put this list together to highlight publications, e-letters, webinars, and special reports I use as a lifelong learner. Each of these resources help me keep up to date with the broad healthcare industry:  the trends, the discussions, the challenges, and the opportunities. As a healthcare professional we are seeing the world change so keeping up to date is important, but so is contributing where you can as a healthcare change agent. As Mahatma Gandhi said: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Enjoy the list.

I hope you will take time to review the list and the various resources that will help you to be the best that you can be! To view the past Professional Reading Lists, visit the following links:

2020:  https://nursesadvocates.com/learning-understanding-and-growing-through-reading-2020-professional-reading-list

2019: https://nursesadvocates.com/2019-professional-reading-list

2018: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/2018-professional-reading-list-anne-llewellyn

2017: https://nursesadvocates.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=11&action=edit


Managed Care Matters: Joe Padua shares insights, opinions and analysis on the managed care and workers comp industry. He draws a sophisticated audience that post comments to articles that show the diversity in thought in a complex and ever-changing industry. To subscriber: https://www.joepaduda.com

MedPage Today: MedPage Today is a trusted source for clinical news coverage across the medical specialties. They cover all the clinical news, findings, and announcements that directly affect the lives and practices of health care professionals throughout the U.S. Their reporters are longtime experts in their beats; our editors are top-notch, and we are meticulous about fact-checking and disclosures. What I like about this e-letter is that I can comment on articles that I know about and read what others say which is often a way to find professionals I want to network with. https://www.medpagetoday.com

Joan Garry Consulting: I have been following this Blog/e-letter for about a year and find some interesting information I can use in many of the organizations that I volunteer with. To view, visit https://blog.joangarry.com/nonprofit-leadership-blog

Ellen Fink Samnick is a colleague who is well read and has her finger on the pulse of the healthcare industry. She is adding to the body of work that all healthcare professionals, but especially case managers and advocates need to be part of. Here are her tips:

End of Life Care for Case Management by Ellen Fink-Samnick published by HCPro to learn move visit the HCPro Site 

Leadership and Nursing Care Management, 7th Ed., by Diane Huber and M. Lindell Joseph, available on Amazon September 2021 at  https://www.amazon.com/Leadership-Nursing-Management-Diane-NEA-BC-dp-0323697119/dp/0323697119/ref=dp_ob_title_bk

The Social Determinants of Mental Health: Advancing Wholistic Practice Excellence, published by Blue Bayou Press: Publication: November 2021; Sign up for updates at: https://bluebayoupress.com/the-social-determinants-of-mental-health/

Patient’s Rising: Patients Rising Now is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating for the rights of patients with chronic and life-threatening illnesses. To sign up for the e-letter visit https://patientsrisingnow.org

The Cancer Journey is the first Cancer Coach Training Company in the United States. With its signature program, Panic to Powerful,™ The Cancer Journey provides both personal cancer coaching services, to the growing population of cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers, and cancer coach training for those who want to serve the cancer community. They have an interesting E-letter. To learn move visit: http://www.thecancerjourney.com/about/our-story

Back In Control: Dr. David Hanscom is doing some important work in helping pain patients find new ways to live and thrive with chronic pain. Visit his site and sign up for his e-letter at https://backincontrol.com

PODCASTS are also a great way to learn. Here are some that you might want to check out:

Disruptors at Work: An Integrated Care Podcast,  sponsored by Cummings Graduate Institute of Behavioral Health: Accessible at https://open.spotify.com/show/2zdofshIt8G8OuDK4dQdmJ

Monitor Mondays: Regulatory and Compliance Updates at https://racmonitor.com/podcasts/

Talk 10 Tuesdays: ICD 10 and coding updates: at https://www.icd10monitor.com/talk-ten-tuesdays  

My Care Alliance: I have been working with this company and have produced several Podcasts that talk to the ‘Helping Professionals’ Case/Care managers and Patient/Health Advocates. You can find all and listen to them at no cost at https://mycare-alliance.castos.com/

Aligning Smart Business Strategies: https://mycare-alliance.castos.com/episodes/aligning-smart-business-strategies

What Does Success Look Like: https://mycare-alliance.castos.com/episodes/what-does-success-look-like

Navigating Medicare Benefits: https://mycare-alliance.castos.com/episodes/navigating-medicare-benefits

The Stay at Home Nurse: Deanna Gillingham, started the Stay at Home Nurse Podcast to inspire and equip you to have the nursing career that best suits you and your lifestyle. Whether that is a traditional job or going out on your own as a nurse entrepreneur. Check out the series at https://thestayathomenurse.com/podcasts

The Savvy Scribe: Janine Kelbach is the owner of Write RN, Host of The Savvy Scribe Podcast & Author of  Entreprenurse ,Write RN, LLC. If you are looking to move into Freelance Writing, check out her Podcast Series at https://savvynursewriter.com/category/podcast-episodes

RN2Writer: Elizabeth Hanes: Elizabeth Hanes RN is an authority on healthcare content marketing and freelance health journalism. She shares her expertise on a number of podcasts and is the author of the e-book 7 Deadly Sins of Healthcare Content Writing that Kill SEO and Turn Off Prospective Clients. She applies her nursing knowledge, creative writing expertise, and content acumen to drive business success for her clients. To learn move visit: https://www.rn2writer.com


Issues and Answers: Over the past year, I have been working with Athena Forum to develop various webinars to meet the needs of nurses, social workers, and case managers. The webinar series is called Issues and Answers. To see what is coming up and view the on-demand webinars click here: https://athenaforum.net/cv_issues

Case Management in a COVID 19 World: Early in the pandemic, I recorded four webinars with subject matter experts to help nurses, case managers, social workers, and other members of the healthcare team cope with COVID 19. Each covered the following areas: Transition of Care, Coping Skills for Case Managers, adapting to Tele Case Management and Returning to a Post Covid World: The Need for Case Management. They are short and to the point. To listen, visit https://athenaforum.net/covid-webinars

Special Reports: Check out a few of the Special Reports that I updated this year. These reports cover various area that are pertinent to professionals in case management, patient advocacy and nursing. View them all at https://nursesadvocates.com/resources

Stepping Up to Certification: The Helping Professional’s Guide to Certification (Updated January 2021): An overview of the various national certifications in case management, patient advocacy and patient experience. In addition to the overview of the certifications there are several articles that are thought provoking and helpful.

The 2020 and 2018 Case Management Salary and Trends Survey: An in-depth look at the case management industry. Looking at both reports show you how the industry is changing.

Second Acts: Reflections from Nurses to Inspire the Next Generation of Nurses! This report is a gift from seasoned nurses to YOU, the next generation of nurses! Enjoy the report! Feel free to share this page with your nursing colleagues or those who are looking for career options. I hope this work provides you with insights that will inspire you to move forward.

A Special Report for Nurses. Nurses, Moving Beyond the Bedside: There Are No Limits: A special report for nurses looking to move beyond the bedside….To those that are frustrated don’t leave the profession of nurse move to a new area. Our nursing training prepares you for more roles that you can image. If you are a nurse, know a nurses or want to become a nurse; download this special report and explore areas that are open to you!

I hope this professional reading list brings you some new resources that will help you be the best that you can be. If you have an e-letter, a favorite Podcast, or a special report that you have found helpful please email me and I will include it on the list.

Thank you for reading Nurse Advocate!

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

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