With all the difficult news we hear in the news – hearing a story about how ordinary people do extraordinary things to help someone in need is a reprieve.

Today, I was listening to National Public Radio as I was making dinner. A story made me stop what I was doing and listen. The story is about a man who started going to a local pharmacy and giving the person at the counter a folded $100.00 bill to help a few people who could not pay for their medications. He said he wanted to help others and thanked the staff member for helping him give back to a few people.

He wanted to do this anonymously and made the girl promise she would do this for him. The staff member told a few others who covered the front desk, and they each found they could help several people with the money to get their prescriptions or an item needed, but found they were short on cash. ‘

People wanted to know who to thank, but they said the person wanted to remain anonymous.

These donations went on for a year till the man died. His family was shocked when they learned what their father did and had set up a trust so that the donations would continue after his death.

It made me think how many other people do little things out of the good of their hearts to help another person in need, and who wants nothing in return?

This story made my day, gave me hope in humanity, and made me realize that most people are good. Here is the link to hear the story on NPR. https://www.wlrn.org/2023-01-23/an-alabama-farmer-secretly-helped-strangers-pay-their-pharmacy-bills (pass it on)

If you have a story you would like to share about doing a good deed for your fellow man- email me at allewellyn48@gmail.com, and I will share it in a future blog post!

Have a good week.


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