A long time ago, one of my mentors told me, “Anne, if you have a problem, please come to me – but in addition to the problem, bring a recommendation for a solution.” This statement has stayed with me over the years and helped me use my voice to resolve...
The Emperor Needs New Clothes or Why the Care Disappeared from Health Care is a book written by a friend and patient advocate colleague, Jeff Weinberg, M.ED, M.PH, NHA, BCPA. His book shows the many deficiencies in the U.S. Healthcare System and offers real-life...
Emergencies come in a variety of ways. Fires, earthquakes, hurricanes are natural disasters that cause upheaval in our lives. Other events such as losing your job, or being diagnosed with a medical condition can derail your life. Taking time to prepare for a...
We have all been there–one minute, you’re fine, and the next, you’re not. My disruption came in the form of a serious medical issue that completely interrupted my life. In this week’s posting, I want to discuss the experience that changed me. I will also...