It’s Case Management Week, and I want to share a story about my first encounter with a patient, which led me to a career in case management. I first learned about case management in 1984 when I worked in Philadelphia in the Respiratory ICU. I was caring for a...
In this week’s post, I wanted to share some things that make this time of the year memorable for me. Tis the Season! One of my favorite things to do this time of the year is to write Christmas cards to family and friends – especially those I don’t...
A friend shared this message on Facebook the other day, and I wanted to share it in this week’s Nurse Advocate Blog Post. Please read and share with your family, friends, and colleagues, as we all need an A-Team! Do you have an A-Team? I didn’t know how...
Two weeks ago, my cousin, her two daughters, her granddaughter, and I took a trip to St. Martin in the Virgin Islands to trace my family roots. My father and my cousin’s father were brothers and were from that area. We had talked about going to Sint Maarten and...