I write about continuous learning and how important it is for all of us, the healthcare team, and patients. This week I am taking my own advice this week and attending the Population Health Colloquium in Philadelphia. I will be back next week with an overview. You...
It’s Conference Season! I love to go to conferences, and now that COVID has leveled off, more and more conferences are coming back live and in person. Conferences allow us to reconnect with colleagues and friends, learn, and meet new vendors who can help us meet...
As we close the month of August and September comes into view, many of us look at ways of reset our lives. I guess my feelings are related to summer ending and school starting when I was growing up. As I look at pushing the reset bottom, I like to reflect on my...
The 2022 Professional Reading List I am starting this year’s Professional reading list with two quotes that are appropriate for today’s time. The first is “The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.” Herbert Spencer. The second is Change is the end result...
Over the next few weeks, I will be attending several conferences that I am excited to share with readers of Nurse Advocate. I love to go to conferences to learn, network and talk to people who are making a difference in the world of healthcare. I will be covering...