Grateful for Life

Grateful for Life

Each year around this time, my friends from Quota International of Planation Fl come together to celebrate our birthdays. This year we met on February 23, 2020, for brunch. One of our members, Constance Kalish, takes a moment to welcome us and shares her story of why...
Celebrating Life

Celebrating Life

If you have read Nurse Advocate before, you might recall me mentioning in previous posts that I belong to a service organization known as Quota International. I am a member of the local Club, Quota of Plantation FL. Each year, the members choose a Sunday in February...
When Life Changes on a Dime

When Life Changes on a Dime

We have all been there–one minute, you’re fine, and the next, you’re not.  My disruption came in the form of a serious medical issue that completely interrupted my life. In this week’s posting, I want to discuss the experience that changed me. I will also...

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