I hope you are having a good summer. I am sharing links to my Summer Reading List and Professional Reading List so you have something to read as I am away for a few days. Take some time to review them and check out some books. I will be back next week! 2023 Summer...
Summer is a time many of us take vacations. This year, due to COVID 19, many plans have been cancelled. Air travel is challenging so many people are looking at road trips as an option. I wanted to share some ideas that you might want to consider. If you have ideas...
Vacations are special times as we get to break away from our usual routine and take time to relax, enjoy family, friends, and if we are lucky, visit some unique places. That is what I did over the past two weeks on my Summer Break. In my last post, I asked readers...
I am taking a short break from social media for the next two weeks! See you in September. I always like this summer oldie. Do you remember it? check it out on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu-7DXBiVsA. What is your favorite Summer Song! Share in the comment...