This post is short, but I wanted to take the time to recognize the 2016 Olympics!  Every four years, the world comes together to highlight their athletes in various events. My summer favorite events are swimming, diving, gymnastics and track and field. This year, I have watched some of the other events which might not be as popular but are just as exciting. Two that come to mind were badminton and table tennis. I caught two exciting matches in these events and was in awe of the players as they volleyed back and forth with skills that have made them the best in their sport.   
As the world watches the Olympics, we are reminded that hard work, perseverance and talent allow us to excel beyond our expectations. The Games are a reminder to all of us that there is good in the world, and everyone has a chance to win when they work hard and push past what they think they can do. 
As I watched the parade of athletes during the opening night ceremonies, I was impressed how each country sent their athletes to Rio to represent their country in the name of sports. As the list of countries was read, it was evident to me that as a world we are united, and CAN come together to celebrate in peace and spirit.
As the reporters share personal stories on the athletes as part of the coverage, we learned about the challenges many athletes overcome through determination and support of family and friends. As I thought about this, I realize there is a lot of good in our everyday lives. It is is important that we stop and recognize it when it occurs and pay if forward when we can.

To illustrate this, I wanted to share a story a friend shared on an experience she had when she went grocery shopping after work one day. Here is what she shared on Facebook: “I picked up my little lovebug and headed to the grocery store after work. We walked outside after checking out and it was POURING. A little rain never hurt anyone so we decided to make a run for it and leave the cart right there next to the doors soon to return ….my little one was giggling as we ran to the car because rain is funny. I buckled her into the car, planning to drive up to the sidewalk and load the groceries. Just as I was getting into the car, I look up and an elderly man in a suit, who had just finished loading his car,  was walking towards me with our cart…I thanked him as I opened the trunk and we loaded my groceries. He said it had been a long time since his kids were that young, now he had grand-kids, and he hoped someone would help his daughter out in the same situation as he helped me. I thanked him again as I noticed his leather shoes and suit were almost soaked through.”

This story made me think of the many experiences I have had in my life. I realized how lucky I have been to be blessed with a beautiful family, good friends and the ability to have a career that has allowed me to grow personally and professionally.
I hope this post inspires you to think about the experiences you have had in your life and encourages you to do something nice for someone who crosses your path! If you have an experience you would like to share, please share in the comment box or email me directly at
Have a good week and enjoy week two of the Olympics!

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