Have you heard about GIMMERS? Recently, there has been a lot of talk about GIMMERS and how recognizing and embracing them can improve our lives. In this post, I want to introduce you to GIMMERS so you can recognize them when they come into your life.

The term GLIMMERS was coined by Deb Dana, a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in complex trauma, in her 2018 book “The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy,” “GLIMMERS” refers to small moments when our biology is in a place of connection or regulation, which cues our nervous system to feel safe or calm. “We’re not talking about great, big, expansive experiences of joy, safety, or connection,” she says. “These micro-moments shape our system in very gentle ways.”

So, what are glimmer?

Glimmers are tiny moments that bring joy or happiness. They can also spark ease, relaxation, safety connection, or a feeling that the world is OK, even for a fleeting moment. Glimmers can be found in different places and through our senses.

Some examples include:

  • In nature, admiring your garden or seeing the stars in the sky.
  • Noticing a stranger’s smile or the warmth of a loved one’s voice.
  • Feeling comforted by furry friends.
  • Unexpected church bells or your favorite song playing on the radio.

Experts say GLIMMERS make you feel something inside your being. There’s an energy around a glimmer that lets you know all is well.

The concept of GLIMMERS is that repeatedly recognizing small, positive moments can begin to shape one’s system. This shift to recognizing the bright side can have a beneficial impact on one’s mind and health.

GLIMMER experts say, “It’s essential for us to break from our uncomfortable emotions, as a little joy and relaxation can reduce emotional distress and help us cope through stressful times.

How to embrace glimmers

Deb Dana, an expert on the topic, says you can recognize a glimmer, but how do you embrace it? “She discovered in her research that you begin to look for more as you see a glimmer. Once you start embracing GLIMMERS, it can be a beautiful way to see the world!

Let me know if you have experienced GLIMMERS in your life. If not, start looking for them!

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