I wanted to use this post to provide some updates. Recently my webmaster made some changes to the email system. Some people have told me that they were getting two emails. The fixes he did should correct this, so let me know if you still get two emails.

Please share the Blog link with your families and colleagues. They can sign up at https://nursesadvocates.com . Once on the site, wait for the green box to pop up. When you see the green box, put in an email and click subscribe. Next you will get a follow-up email to confirm your email address. Once done – you are subscribed.

I wanted to invite you to click around the website if you have not done it in a while.Here is an overview of what is under each tab!

The Home Page has not changed much, but it gives you an overview of why I write this Blog. The mission has not changed since I started – if anything, I am more committed than ever to educating and empowering all consumers to be their best advocates.

Under the About Tab, I talk about how I got to where I am today.

Under the Finding Anne Tab, you will see where I will be over the next few months. I am SO HAPPY that I will start traveling again to various conferences…it has been a long time. I promise to be careful and wear my mask and stay 6 feet apart! If you are going to be at any of the events, please let me know. I want to see you!

The next tab, Services, gives you some of the servichttps://nursesadvocates.com/serviceses I provide. Feel free to reach out if you want to start a podcast, have someone write articles for your publication, or speak at an upcoming event.

The Resource Page holds all the special reports I have written over the past few years. Each is geared toward consumers all members of the healthcare team. Please feel free to download them, read them, and share them with your colleagues if you have not read them. If you have ideas for future special reports, let me know as I am looking for new topics.

You will find all my blog posts under the Blog Tab since I started writing them in 2015!

Finally, is the Contact Me Page. It lists all the ways you can contact me!

Thank you for being a loyal subscriber…and thank you for letting me know how I am doing! I look forward to your comments and your ideas to improve my writings and the website.

During these challenging times, please pray for peace.

Stay safe



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