I recently heard a Christmas song that I had not heard before, and it touched me. The song was Grown Up Christmas List and was sung by Amy Grant in 1990. The story behind the song, Grown Up Christmas List– expresses the deepest wish in everyone’s heart: the hope for peace and a better world.
Many of us remember making our Christmas List for Santa each year. Some even mailed them to the North Pole to be sure Santa knew what we wanted for Christmas.
It’s been a long time since I made a Christmas list or asked Santa for anything, but the song made me think maybe we all should still be writing our wishes and sending them to Santa. Here is a link to listen to the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmF2rsDHOZc
Today, with so many things in disruption, many of us are desperate to improve our lives, the field where we work and our world. So, in the spirit of the holidays, I am sending my Grown-Up Christmas List to Santa n hopes that he will read it and grant my wishes!
- Help end the wars in Ukraine, Israel, and other areas living in unrest.
- Stop the fighting and help those in the middle find ways to live peacefully together.
- Help our country realize as we go through the presidential election that elections have repercussions, so make sure you take the time to know the candidates and vote for the one you think will be best for our country.
- Help people know that the world is changing due to technology, and new ways of education and training are needed so everyone can find a place in the workforce.
- Bring the trades back as an option for kids looking for careers. Electricians, plumbers, mechanics, and service professionals are essential careers to consider.
- Help me concentrate on my health and lifestyle.
- Take care of my family members who are struggling.
- Help people (patients and their caregivers) know that they are the most important members of the healthcare team and that their input is critical when making decisions about their care.
- Help all healthcare professionals deal with the stress of their jobs and know they are appreciated and needed.
- Help those restructuring health payment models and health systems know health and healthcare are more than numbers on a spreadsheet – people’s lives are in jeopardy – we need a system that does what is right – because a person’s life is on the line.
So, what is your grown-up Christmas List? Take time to think about it and jot down things you would like to see change in 2024. Get your list off to Santa soon, as Christmas is almost here!
Thank you for reading this column. I hope you and your families have a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2024!
We need salvation in some form
To help people understand and accept the differences in others
To bring light into the darkness in our society
To close Pandora’s box and help us clean up the mess we have created.
Excellent, Anne. Great list, particularly #’s 8, 9 &10.
Peace and Good Health, throughout the world!
Everything already said. health and happiness to you. Thank you Anne youre awesome!
I’d love to have more time to do all the things I WANT to do vs. all the things I HAVE to do. Guess I need to ask Santa for a windfall of money …. so that I could retire early, be with my frieinds, and travel at my lesure (grin). Happy Holidays, Anne.