I hope you are having a good summer! I wanted to share some of my writing for this week’s post. After reviewing them for this post, I found they are still pertinent and can help you personally and professionally. Take a look. If you have not read them, download them today! Feel free to share them with your nurse and case manager colleagues. I hope they inspire you to be the best that you can be. Please download and share them with those who might benefit from reading them.
2024 Summer Reading List. My Annual Summer Reading list contains books, podcasts, and programs from streaming systems recommended by family, friends, and colleagues. Download and save it when looking for something to read, watch, or listen to! Click here to find a new read! Enjoy
2024 Professional Reading List. I create this list each year at this time to share books and e-letters that help me keep my finger on the pulse of the healthcare industry. I hope you will check out these resources to learn about each publication and subscribe to those e-letters that ‘talk to you’ and ‘help you’ navigate the complex healthcare system. Click here to read the list!
We Are Made of Stories: Stories from a Nurse Advocate Storytelling is a way to teach, work through issues, and understand challenges that, if unresolved, can cause your life to get off track. Storytelling helped me tell how a life-changing illness changed my life, helped me be a better nurse, and opened many doors that gave me new opportunities. The book is a compilation of a few of the most meaningful Blog Posts from my weekly Blog, Nurse Advocate. I segmented them into different chapters that will teach and enable you to become your best advocate when you enter the complex world of healthcare. To download your copy, click here.
Stepping Up to Certification, The Helping Professionals Guide to Certification Achieving certification is part of one’s professional development. Doing so allows you to demonstrate your expertise and experience in your chosen field of practice. Case managers have several national certifications from which they can choose, but which is right? Only you can make that decision. This book is an objective and comprehensive report that provides an overview of the available national certifications, specifically in case management. If you are considering stepping up to certification or know someone, this is a must-read report! Stepping Up to Certification. To download this book, click here.
Second Acts: Reflections from Nurses to Inspire the Next Generation of Nurses!
This publication has been a goal of mine for some time, and I am happy to share it with you. Please take the time to read each article and allow them to inspire you to move forward in your career. Take in the spirit and the passion each author has shared. This report is our gift to you, the next generation of nursing! Enjoy the report! Feel free to share this page with your nursing colleagues or those seeking career options. This work provides insights that will inspire you to move forward. To get your copy, click here.
A Special Report for Nurses. Nurses, Moving Beyond the Bedside: There Are No Limits—Opportunities abound for nurses as they advance in their careers! Nurses, Moving Beyond the Bedside; There are No Limits is a comprehensive report that provides over 30 practice settings that nurses can explore as they move forward. I hope this report serves as a path to start your journey as YOU, Move Beyond the Bedside! To download your copy for yourself or a friend, click here.
Thank you for reading Nure Advocate. I am grateful to all who take the time to read my work! Have a good week!
This week’s post is rich with cumulative practical information. It’s like a smorgasbord of career tips coupled with the most extensive summer reading list I think you’ve ever compiled. My head is spinning and this page is bookmarked for continued reference. Thanks, Anne!