Being a case manager is not easy. We must go against the grain and stand up for our patients and their families. When everyone is saying no – we say why not. Most times, we can work things out and meet the needs of the patient, their family, the payer, and the provider. But it is those times that you can’t work things out that we question what we do and why we do it.. We feel stressed and come away from a situation discouraged – asking ourselves why the system is so unfair?

Last week, I attended the #CMSA2022 Annual Conference in Orlando. It was in-person conference which made it extra special as we have not been together due to COVID since 2019. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new case managers who are enthusiastic about the future of our profession.

I was most excited to hear the keynote speakers as they always touch a cord and make you think outside the box. All three were very good, but we had a special guest give the second keynote presentation. Gerri Lamb, PH. D, RN, FAAN. has been a champion for collaboration across diverse disciplines and advancing research to understand and implement optimum team performance and outcomes. She has been a leader in case management for over 30 years. She gave a powerful keynote address that reinforced our work as case managers and urged us to continue to do what we do, to be involved and use our voice to cause good controversy.

Her presentation helped me realize that my perseverance and passion is what makes me a good case manager. My advocacy is the key to changing the status quo and standing up for my patients who need an allay to fight a complex and often dysfunctional healthcare system.

These are the closing thoughts that Dr. Lamb left with us. I share them with you in this issue of Nurse Advocate as I hope they give you the confidence to continue to do what you do – because as case managers we play a critical role in a disruptive time.

  • What you do is essential – more than ever.
  • What you do is complicated – not easy to capture in words or research – but it is needed to show our value
  • Practicing as a case manager, you have the opportunity and mandate to help make our system work for the vulnerable, the disenfranchised, and the communities without access
  • This is a pivotal time in case management – make it count

Dr. Lamb also urged us all to get involved and to be part of the solution. She recommended that we all take time to read the CMSA Standards of Practice, as they are the standards that guide our practice. The Standards were revised this year, so it is a good time for all involved in case management to download, read and share them with your leadership and your teams. Discuss them in a meeting and examine if your policies and procedures follow the Standards of Practice. Here is the link to get your copy

Thanks for reading this week’s post.

Have a good week!




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