I met Joanne Evans over 20 years ago. She worked for the American Nurses Credentialing Center, and I had just coauthored the Nurse Case Management Review and Resource Manual for the organization. ANCC had added onsite training for nurses who wanted to sit for the...
Over the past few months, I have had to miss many families and friends’ events. Babies have been born, friends have died, holidays have come on gone. As a person at risk for COVID-19, my husband and I have tried to be careful and follow the guidelines; wear a...
A new year is before us and we each have the opportunity to write a new chapter in our lives. Today there are questions to be asked, opportunities to be explored and moments to be embraced. I hope you are excited for the opportunities and adventures we will discover...
Over the weekend, I had time to sit down and read a book a colleague of mine Mary Ellen Gervasis, recently published. The book is titled: The Role of Love in Building and Sustaining a Business. In her book, Mary Ellen talks about a company, InforMed, that she...
I just heard that a good friend and colleague passed away and wanted to share a little piece of her legacy in this week’s post. Karen Zander, RN, MS, CMAC, FAAN, Ph.D. (Hon), was an icon in the practice of case management. She inspired many through her consulting...